4.0 Increasing DRR Competency
To upskill key staff and stakeholders in DRR to help in the development and implementation of the Action Plan.
- Provide staff with access to specialist training, e.g. through university courses,training programmes, annual DRR seminars.
- Visit other locations to observe DRR activities and examples of Action Planimplementation.
- Provide access to the StIRRRD library of presentations, conference proceedings,and papers.
- Universities should be improving their own capacity and provide support andresources to local government and key stakeholders.
Activity Resources and Instruments
- Study visits
- Specialist training
- StIRRRD library of presentations, conference proceedings and papers
- Local University training and DRR research centres

- Action Plan DRAFT Version 2
- DRR research centres
Case study examples
- Base isolation training
- RiskScape training
- Hazard and Risk 101
- NZ study visit 1 and visit 2
- Activity seminar 1 and seminar 2
- UNRAM Centre for Disaster Management