Hazards Training

Hazard Training, Yogyakarta, 18-21 January 2016

Hazard training was organised by Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta. Participants came from Local Government (representing 10 StIRRRD target districts from 4 provinces), and four StIRRRD university partners.

The training discussed hazards (threats), vulnerability (physical and social), exposure, and capacity to absorb impacts of the hazards. The concepts of risk were introduced to all participants and they were guided to identify the parameters and factors needed to design thematic maps. The training included: a) technical presentations, b) discussions, and c) discussion between the participants and the experts. Tutorials and guided practices on risk mapping were conducted using GIS. The classical training was followed by a full day field trip of disaster prone areas around Yogyakarta and nearby places.

The hazard training report is available here

Hazards Training 1a


Hazards Training 2

Strengthened Indonesian Resilience – Reducing Risk from Disasters