5.0 Strengthening Stakeholder Commitment – Finalising the Action Plan
To update and finalise the Action Plan with commitment across agencies.
- Agree and finalise the Action Plan through a series of reviews, workshops andmeetings (e.g. with DRR forum and OPD coordination meetings). This needs toinclude assignment of roles and responsibilities across agencies, a timeline, andbudget allocation.
- OPDs should be aligning Action Plan activities with their individual work programmesincluding Bappeda alignment with the Regional Development Plan (RJMPD).
- Where regulations do not already exist, new local government regulations should bedeveloped as a first step and existing regulations revised.
- Establish a DRR forum to coordinate DRR activities and budgets if it doesn’t already exist.
- Consider the formation of a Lifelines Group.
Activity Resources and Instruments

- Finalised Action Plan
- Budgets
Case study examples
- Links to Regulations
- DRR Forum
- Lifeline Groups