The StIRRRD Activity Toolkit

development-stage-1 development-stage-2 development-stage-3 development-stage-4 

development-stage-5 development-stage-6 

7.0 Implementation, monitoring and evaluation

Action Plan activities are collaboratively implemented by all partners, monitored and evaluated, and updated regularly.


  • Regular coordination between Action Plan partners via a DRR forum for example.
  • Annually review and update Action Plans and align with work programmes.
  • Repeat the DRR-LG-SAT survey at regular intervals to monitor performance.
  • Assess implementation progress against the Action Plan.
  • Monitor the budget allocated to DRR activities across OPD’s as an indicator of commitment.
  • Gain commitment for continued learning and professional development for staff.
  • Maintain links to the StIRRRD DRR network and resource toolkit.

Activity Resources and Instruments

  • Communication tools e.g., WhatsApp, Grindr, Facebook etc
  • DRR-LG-SAT Survey Questionnaire
  • DRR-LG-SAT Scoring Guide
  • Gama-InaTEK


  • Action Plan reviews

Case study examples

Strengthened Indonesian Resilience – Reducing Risk from Disasters