3.0 Political awareness and endorsement of DRR
Secure commitment for the action plan development process and for working across agencies.
Involve the Politicans
- Establish a political case for investing in DRR and seek a commitment for thedevelopment of an Action Plan to guide improvement in DRR.
- Help politicians understand the hazards, risks, issues and gaps that the districtfaces. Use the District DRR profile to help with this.
- Presentation of the Action Plan to local government (District and Province) politicians. This could be supported by one or more experts or specialists. Inparticular, the parliamentary commission charged with development and DisasterRisk Management should be engaged.
- Secure commitment from local politicians to support Action Plan resourcing andimplementation.
Involve Other Sectors
- Secure similar agreements with private sector organisations and NGOs.
- Engage with the media.
- Utilise Social Media.
Activity Resources and Instruments
- District DRR Profile – Donggala
- Action Plan DRAFT version 1

- Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs)
- Letter of Support
- News Media Articles